Friday, March 1, 2013

15 Down, A Whole Lot More to Go!

Day 15.
It's been two weeks since I began this journey.  I re-calculated my BMI today and I've lost 3 BMI points since I started!! It's nowhere near where it needs to be and will be, but this is one more indication that the Medifast plan is working for me.
A word about cheating: so, I'm a cheater. I've cheated here and there over the last couple of weeks and I can tell immediately because my weight loss stalls. I stalled between 11 and 15 pounds for a whole week.
This is my weight loss pattern. I lose 10 lbs and then I sabotage myself. It's always a losing bet and one that I've been betting on for the past 20 years (if I'm being honest). For every 10 pounds I lost, I gained 15.  To be honest, I gained 100 lbs over twenty years (and I was VERY fit when I started to gain weight). That's mind boggling. I've hated getting my picture taken since around 1996, when I went from a curvy size 12 to a size 14 and then on to 16-ville by 1998. That was probably a 30 pound gain. Then, I gained another 15 pounds in 1999 and lost 17, which prompted me to re-gain the weight plus another 15 lbs. And that's where I stayed for about 5 years. And then stress hit again and I gained my last 25 lbs. And that, my friends, is how you gain 100 lbs (more or less).

I was killing myself. And honestly, even though I haven't liked myself in a long time, I love myself enough to put a stop to this now.

The betting window is officially closed.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Day 10.
I skipped a few days of writing because I was seeing the scale go up and down, up and down, which was a little disheartening. I didn't go off plan much (except for one terrible instance that involves Ritz crackers and crab paste, don't ask) and have actually eaten out 4 times since I began, but this morning I've reached an all new low.  I'm still not brave enough to write down my starting weight, but let's just say that it's bigger than Oprah was at her (reported) heaviest.
As of this morning, I have lost a total of 11.3 pounds. IN TEN DAYS. 
I've never lost that much weight before in 10 days. Ever.
Sticking with the plan today and tomorrow is so important. I'm having friends over tomorrow night to watch the Oscars and am planning the menu today.  My portion of the menu will feature fish and seafood. I'm actually thinking that I'll go and buy crawfish to represent Beasts of the Southern Wild. The biggest challenge for me will be to continue to stay away from alcohol. It's been easy so far, but tomorrow night will be the first time I'll be around my girlfriends. Iced tea, diet Coke and Perrier will be my weapons of choice. I hope everyone will support me.
Off to make my breakfast!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Messing Up

Days 5 and 6.
Yesterday was not a good day for me. I went out to lunch and had a salad w/ seared tuna from which I extracted all of the carrots and crunchy things that looked like I shouldn't be eating. But it was dressed pretty heavily and I learned a tough lesson - don't forget to ask for the dressing on the side!
That was the first day that I had my Lean and Green meal at lunchtime instead of at night and I definitely noticed that I was hungry at 8PM. I made a ratatouille without much tomato (I'm not supposed to be eating tomato at all yet) and ate about 2 cups of that, so over my limit for veg for the day.
The result? I'm up one pound this morning. Not surprising, given the salt content in the restaurant meal I had yesterday, but I'm determined to get rid of that pound plus a bit more to break out of my current weight "decade."  It's partly psychological, but this has been such a great week that I want it to end with a bang.
I'm about to have some oatmeal and water, water, water!  No diet Cokes for me today. And I'm working from home, so I will take Lily for several brisk walks today. And maybe I'll get my Zumba dvd out and do the 20 minute version. I think my body has adjusted well enough to withstand some exercise.
Must persevere!! 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Better and WAY Down!

Day 5.
Maybe this is the start of the surge of energy that I was told I'd get after the first few days on program. When I weighed myself earlier, I was down ANOTHER 3 LBS. That brings my weight loss total to exactly 11 lbs in just 4 days. Sound crazy? I know!
Knowing how much I have to lose (80-90 lbs, depending on the day), losing that much water weight at first is probably normal. But guess what? Now I only have 75 lbs to lose to get into the "weight window" that I'm aiming for.  That's still a lot of weight, but it literally feels like a small weight has been lifted off my shoulders, seeing that first 10 disappear.
I've just had my scrambled eggs and I added 6 asparagus spears that I cooked the other night, cut up and sauteed in a quick spray of Pam.
More later . . . NOT quitting!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Still Tired

Day 4
After completing 4 full days on Medifast, I was down 8 lbs this morning and Mom is down 6. We couldn't be happier with the result so far.  What's bothering me a little bit is that I still feel really tired. I think I need to up my protein intake so tomorrow, I'm going to add an egg white and some extra veggies to my morning eggs.
I may also eat a little bit more for dinner tomorrow night. I'm fine with no sugar, but I think the lower calories are really taking a toll on my energy.
Drinking all my water - onward and upward tomorrow!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Tired, But Determined

Day 3.
I started to feel very tired yesterday and realized that if I miss my window for eating by more than half an hour, I start to feel very fatigued. So, onward and upward! I ate eggs, a peanut butter bar, a chicken noodle soup and a grilled chicken sandwich w/ most of the bread gone from Wendy's yesterday. The sandwich was an emergency and was very worrying since it was WAY off plan.
However, when I weighed myself this morning, I am down a total of 7.5 lbs - in JUST TWO DAYS! This seems ridiculously easy so far. I know I'm in the Honeymoon Phase of the diet, but it's incredibly encouraging to be dropping weight or water weight this fast. Some months, I would be down 2 lbs for the whole month, so seeing progress every day is an incredible psychological boost.
Mom and I are determined to stick to this plan. The portions are small and we will really miss dairy and alcohol, but we have to do it.
So far today, I've had the pancakes (not bad w/ no syrup), a cup of coffee w/ a tiny amount of half and half (a teaspoon, not even worth the calories and fat), a fruit and nut bar and we just had the chicken and wild rice soup. And water, water, water.
We'll have grilled chicken salad later today w/ low cal/no fat dressing. We're going to do this!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Go Girl!

Day 2.
Mom and I went to my brother's house for Valentine's Day last night and veered a little off plan with the addition of some fats that we weren't planning on having. But we stuck to our guns on no wine and no sweets, which is huge for both of us (especially the wine)!
We had salmon, asparagus and some unscheduled salad, which had salad dressing on it and was loaded w/ cheese and croutons, most of which I avoided. I drank a ton of water last night and skipped my final Medifast meal, since I'd had a little more than needed at dinner.

The result: down 4.5 pounds this morning!  Now, that is pretty miraculous for me. It sometimes takes me a month to lose that much, even after a trip where I drank beer and ate fried food (both of which I did just on Monday!).

So, today: so far, I've had the scrambled eggs to which I added a teaspoonful of salsa, a cup of tea, an oatmeal and raisin bar and lots of water.  I'm a little bit tired but am hopeful about this plan and resolved to stick with it, at least for the first month!

Hopefully, I'll be less tired tomorrow. Right now, at 12:40PM, I could use a nap before I have my afternoon conference call.

On to smaller and bigger things!!